
- when the merging of two or more media companies who work together create a greater product than outcome whole have been if they had worked individually. 
- media synergy is the way in which different elements of a media conglomerate work together to promote linked products across different media.
- it works when different elements within a media conglomerate (eg. film studio, record label, video game division) promotes created linked products (e.g. film, soundtrack, video game) so that they all publicise each other.
- eg. harry potter and the philosophers stone (2001)
in 2000 AOL and Time Warner merged. The promotion of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone' by AOL Time Warner is a good example of synergy.

Synergy is the merging of two or more media companies to create something greater over different media platforms. 

Eg. the very popular kids programme of Spongebob square pants has made into a movie and has a board game swell as various video games on the xbox, playstation, wii, Nintendo, pc etc.Also has a roller coaster at a theme park  located at Nickelodeon Universe in the Mall of America. Also has merchandise and toys etc. 


  1. You've clearly understood what synergy means and you've provided a great example.
    Remember when you write out the name/title of a product, you must always put it in quotation marks.

    Please go through this blog post and amend with quotation marks around the name of the different media texts, then comment underneath so I know it's done.

    Well done Mayan!
    Miss C


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