
 added notes:
cinematography: close up of the actual cpr to emphasise the importance
over the shoulder shot to make it feel like our following him, following his steps
sound: contrapuntal sound, music doesn't match whats going on. cpr serious  but the music isn't
intertexuality: gangster movies
location: alleyway, not usually where u would save someones life

cinematography: over shoulder shot of the teenagers to make you feel part of them
sound: youthful, gang slang language

cinematography: close shot of the bt infinity.
location: romance, pink colours
women has blonde hair to connote her angelic and purity and that she need the man to save her.

How has media language been used to create meaning in the lego movie advertising campaign? 
in your answer you must talk about the poster campaign and the trailer? (10)

In The Lego Movie trailer, the section of BT Infinity uses mise-en-scene create meaning. One of the genres seen in The Lego Movie is romance and that is reflected in this trailer as the two characters kiss at the end. Mise-en-scene is used as the colour of the girl had is blonde which connotes angelic and innocence and that she needs the man to save her. As well as this the colours shown in the background and in clothing is pink and bright to further shoe romance, happiness and love.

Also in The Lego Movie trailer, the section of uses mise-en-scene create meaning. The  location was a car park which created meaning as the advert is for car insurance. As well as this, the group of chacters are all older teenagers whom this will apply to as they are at the age (17) where they will start to need car insurance as they learn to drive.


  1. Intertextuality boxes - The intertextual references are linked to the adverts that they're trying to reflect. BT infinity, etc.

    Nicely analysed and good idea to write extra notes!

    How has media language been used to create meaning in the lego movie advertising campaign?
    in your answer you must talk about the poster campaign and the trailer? (10)

    Firstly - 10 marks = 3 paragraphs/points.
    Your answer is very strong (your analysis has improved SO much!). It's a shame that you haven't included one other point.


    Miss C


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