
Poster Campaign and The Lego Movie trailer targeting:

- children who play with lego
- adults who played lego when they were younger
- families
- young adults cinema-goers
- both genders

Audience demographics


1. The Lego Movie advertising campaign would attract young children aged between 5-10 of all ethnicities who play with Lego because of the bright colours, young childish humour and the use of imagination. Young children would identify the different characters and the use of different coloured Lego characters such as Vitruvius and Lenny Henry encourages different ethnicities and races.

2. The poster and trailer will attract adults who played with lego when they were children will see the trailer and posters and it will attract them to watch it as they will feel a sense of nostalgia from their childhoods. The adults would be typically 40-60 and of both genders and would notice the character 'Benny' in the main poster campaign, who was the first ever original lego figure, hence causing a sense of nostalgia.

3.  The poster and trailer will attract families as Lego is a loved toy by all generations. Families can watch it together and all talk about it and connect as they all would of loved lego at some point in their lives. As well as this, the parents can also enjoy it due to the actor/actresses who are doing voice overs, while the children are enjoying the actual story and animated film. 

4. The poster and trailer will attract young adults cinema-goers as at the top of the poster it shows the name of the famous actor/actress who are playing the over voice. Young adults cinema-goers who love, for example, Morgan Freedman will be so excited to watch him play the voice of Vitruvius. 

5. The poster and trailer would stereotypically appeal to females both young and old of all ethnicities, because of the characters of Wyldstyle and Unikitty, and the love story running through the film. Wyldstyle for example challenges the female stereotype through the use of her costume and facial expression, which is empowering for females.

1. British Heart Foundation,, BT and Premier Inn all paid for the production costs of their adverts themselves. What does this tell you about their desire to work with the Lego Movie brand?
- They know that Lego is such a popular brand which is loved by many different target audiences, so they knew that they would be able to sell their product, especially as it was advertised on ITV during the prime time. 

2. The adverts all have a friendly, warm and humorous tone to them. Why is important when you consider the audience The Lego Movie is trying to target?

- To reflect the Lego brand image itself, especially to maintain its age rating of a U. 

3. The ad break features voiceovers from familiar names such as Vinny Jones and Lenny Henry. How might this appeal to audiences?

- This may appeal to an older target audience as they would identify with the voices as they are are quite distinctive. Lenny Henry is the representer for Premier Inn and they would see the similarities between the lego advert and the real advert.

4. According to YouGov (which measures audience data), more than 6 million people saw the ad break. Why is this positive for both The Lego Movie and the featured brands?

- Because a majority of their target audience will see the trailer (different age, ethnicities, genders, races and classes) and then will want to either buy their product or buy their movie. 


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