
an economic and political system in which a countries trade and industries are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. 

Lego Movie: 
Lord Business (villain) is the President of Lego Land, who presides over a dictatorial state. His regime creates virtually everything in the Lego society and he uses televised broadcasts to inform his citizens (with a friendly grin on his face) that they’ll be executed if they disobey. He controls a secret police, who is charged with torturing dissidents and rebels.

Set product:
This is reflected in one of the film’s posters.
Lord Business is towering over the other Lego figures, who are
running away from him hysterically. He has complete control
as the ‘evil’ characters whom he is in charge of are creating
Mass hysteria and destroying the city.

Reflects society: 
As America is a capitalist society, The Lego Movie
Poster reflects this and the time when it was produced.
Lord Business is a symbol of austerity. In 2014 there were difficult
economic conditions created by government measures to reduce public expenditure (pay cuts, property cuts) due to the economic slump and world wide recession that began 2008.

How do the products reflect the target audience of
both adults and children?
Genders/Ethnicities: How? 2 examples

Gender/Ethnic stereotypes: How? 2 examples
Only two main characters are women in 'The Lego Movie', are Wonder Woman, who isn't an original character, and Wyldstyle. The only non-white (yellow) character in 'The Lego movie' is Vitruvius, who is black and played by Morgan Freeman.
In 'The Lego Movie', it is the female character of Wyldstyle who needs saving. There is also a majority of men doing the fighting which conforms to the stereotype that men are stronger than women. Lord business is white and is very rich. He is also politically in power which reflects the stereotype that white men are in power


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