Audience homework

1. Why is genre hybridity used in the advertising campaign?
The Lego Movie is aimed at many different target audiences therfore the advertising campaigns use genre hybridity to attract the different audiences, such as in Emmets post campaign his face is comedic which attracts children as well as the marvel charcters and action based genre on the main poster attracts adults who are familiar with those iconic characters. 

2.How might the target audiences interpret the advertising campaign differently? Is this reflected by their social differences?

- An active, younger target audiences may interpret the advertising campaign as an exciting, action packed movie and they therefore want to reenact that action with real life with real lego pieces or with there friends. However a passive target audience may feel like the just enjoy watching the characters have fun and watches it for entertainment or for a sense of escapism.

3. Explain at least two uses and gratifications of film posters  using Blumer and Katz' theory. Refer to The Lego Movie poster campaign to support your answer.

In The lego movie poster campaign entertainment is shown through the bright, vibrant and happy colours such as yellow, blue etc. For example in the poster campaign of Wyldstyle there are bright blue and pinks stripes in her hair which shows her fun and childish side. This could appeal to young girls who aspire to be like her and copy her powerful women ways.  

Also in Emmets poster campaign we see his personal identity through him wearing a builders outfit. This shows us that he is just an ordinary man with an ordinary job, who we soon find out becomes a hero. Due to him not dressing and looking like a stereotypical hero, this shows the audience that not all heroes wear capes and infact anyone can be a hero, even someone from the audience. 

Lastly, the Lego Movie main poster campaign allows the audience to interpret information about the world such as the key message that each individual can make a difference to the world and everyone around them. This can be seen through the main poster as at the top it say 'The story of a nobody who saves everybody'. This illustrates the key message clearly which allows the audience to intepret information about the world.


  1. This question needs completing please:
    2.How might the target audiences interpret the advertising campaign differently? Is this reflected by their social differences?

    With regards to the uses and gratifications theory:
    You have created a very good mindmap!

    Your question however is slightly muddled - 5/10
    The first paragraph is good, but your second paragraph is what needs looking at.
    Personal identity is what AUDIENCES seek when consuming media. Audiences look at Emmetts character and seek personal identity as they see an ordinary, plain guy with a middle-working class job, who ultimately saves the day. From this, AUDIENCES feel as though they can achieve the same/feel more positive about themselves.

    Please read over what I've said and improve this.
    You also need one other point (use your mind-map) to ensure 10 marks.

    1. Your last paragraph is lovely, well done.
      Just make sure that you're confident with personal identity. 8/10 - good relation to the uses an gratifications theory and link to the media products.


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