Cross-Media Content

Cross-Media content - putting contents from one media platform into another media platform to promote itself.

- Cross-Profit is used in The Lego Movie Game as within the game there are short clips from The Lego Movie film which then promotes the film within the video game so that they get a wider audience and make more profit.

•The Lego Movie Video game was released across all major video consoles and platforms in 2014 (Microsoft X360, Sony PS3, Nintendo 3DS, Sony PS4, Nintendo WiiU, Xbox One and 360, Sony PSV and PC).
- an advantaged of having the video game on so many different consoles is that everyone can purchase it, despite what console you have.
- an disadvantage is that it cost a lot of money to publish the game on many different consoles and if the video game would of flopped then they would of wasted a lot of money. 


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