Industry - Video Game

When was the game released?
- 7th February 2014

What is the age rating?
- 7

Who developed the game?
- TT Fusion 

A)Who published the game? 
- Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment 

B)What’s the effect of this company publishing the game? (Think about ownership) 
- They are a well known conglomerate so the more audiences they are able to meet meaning more money.

A/B) On what platforms was the game distributed and was it local or online co-op? 
- Microsoft X360 (local), Sony PS3 (local), Nintendo 3DS(none), Sony PS4(local), Nintendo WiiU (local), Xbox One and 360 (local), Sony PSC and PC (local)

C) In what way was the video game distributed?
 - E.g. Hardcopy, online, as a package? Hardcopy and now online.

D) Were they released on special dates? 
- The same week as the movie 

E) What countries was the game distributed to? 

- Japan, USA, UK.


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