
- Key themes of stereotyping and gender are shown through Emmet and Wyldstyle.
- Emmet is the main male protagonist and both the film and video game revolve around his transformation from a normal, everyday guy to the hero that saves the world.
- "the story of a nobody, who saved everybody"

How does this portray the male gender?

- It supports the stereotype of men being row dominant gender, as the products focus on a man as the male character and be becomes the hero.

There are however themes that subvert (challenge) the stereotypical representation of men in the media.
- Look at the main poster. Emmet is in the centre  but his facial expression shows him running away, terrified.In the TV trailer Emmet says “I want to go home!”

How does this help to challenge the stereotypical representation of gender?

- It challenges the dominant stereotype that men are powerful and strong. Although Emmet is centered in the main poster, his facial expression is scared and he is running away from danger rather than facing it head on. 

- What are the elements that support stereotypical representations of females?
- What are the elements that subvert (challenge) stereotypical representations of females?

- Does not adhere to beauty ideals. For example, she wears dark clothing, has unnatural hair colors, and has freckles, but she is still depicted as beautiful. This is important because women who challenge beauty ideals are oftentimes depicted as undesirable in the media.

How does Wyldstyle bring in a wider audience?

Wyldstyle links to a post-feminist context of the entire franchise. She is represented as a strong, independent character who is equal to men and at times superior. This is supported in the main poster and character poster because…

- Vitruvius is named after a Roman philosopher named Vitruvius, who best known for writing a 10-volume series of books about architecture—which is rather appropriate for a movie about LEGO!
- His character is a noble wizard, with dark skin and a much older man
- He is represented as wise and a skilled fighter. This is important because oftentimes in the media people with disabilities are depicted as powerless, evil, less attractive or as overcoming a disability.

-How does Vitruvius challenge the media stereotype of ethnic minorities?
Ethnic minorities are typically portrayed as the 'villain' character it is evident Vitruvius is the 'donor' character as he has powers and the wisdom so this goes against the media stereotype of ethnic minority characters. 

 How does Vitruvius challenge the media stereotype of old people?
Old people are unable to walk yet Virtuous has magic powers to help his disability.


  1. Why do you think the advertising campaign celebrates different representations?

    Miss C

    1. To attract all target audiences and show equality to all


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