Video Game Vertical/Horizontal Integration

TT Games is a British video game developer. 
In November 2007, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment acquired TT Games as part of their move into the video game market
The Lego Movie video game was directed by Matt Palmer (who was known for his work with Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride)

The game was launched the same week as the movie – why do you think this was done?
- so that people who went to see the film would then want to buy the game. Vise versa for game lovers who purchased the game would want to then watch the film.

Why do companies release films and games at the same time?

-Profit is maximised
- Familiarity
Extends the pleasure of the film
- They promote each other
- Extends the target audience 

What is it?
The Lego Movie video game is an example of successful horizontal integration where Warner Bros, has worked with other companies to produce a video game linked directly to the release of the motion picture of the same name.
The video game shares similar themes and voice acting by stars of the motion picture as they reprise their characters in the video game.
The Lego Movie video game is also an example of a successful cross platform release.

Horizontal Integration: Being in control of companies in other media areas.

Vertical Integration: Being in control of all stages of a film. Maximises profits.

Write a short paragraph on WB's horizontal integration model. Use The Lego Movie as your example.

The Lego movie is a clear example of warner bros horizontal integration, used across most of their films. Warner Bros has teamed up with other media platforms such as HBO, TTgames and DC to successfully shows the best quality screening of TV, films, games and movies to their audiences. The Lego Movie was produced through vertical integration however used horizontal integration to far its. media products, and further develop the franchise of 'The Lego Movie'.


  1. Don't forget to answer the question on horizontal integration on slide 11.

    Miss Crader

    1. Lovely stuff here Mayan! Well done! Nice use of both integrations here.


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