Video Games Reviews/Interpretations

Video Games Reviews/Interpretations

- good graphics
- made video game lovers  purchase the video game, making them then want to watch the movie
- the games colourful and fun
- full of wit and humour, something both adults and kids can enjoy
- can do two players in real life
- very easy and simple missions and puzzles (suitable for kids)
- not as good as the lego video games such as harry potter and marvel

Wii U
- good graphics
- everything is made out of lego
- uses mini sections form the movie in between levels
- same music in film and video game
- fun dance breaks to the main song 'everything is awesome'
- ALOT of product placement in the real life bedroom scene
- good variety of characters to play
- can lego build

- made him want to play with actual lego
- great game play
- cast is funny
- designs are fun and colourful
- high deplayability
- long loading times
- no online multiplayer


  1. Nicely summarised - it might be helpful to embed in the videos?

    Please respond below:
    Why do you think gamers use different platforms to play games?

    Miss C

    1. To see how the games can different based on the platform its played on

    2. Also, people have a preferred device to play on/can only afford some specific devices


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